Monday, February 9, 2015



I have smart, bright, funny, inquisitive, well-educated friends, and I want to make sure you all are well-informed and know the TRUTHS about products I trust enough to recommend to you.  Plexus also happens to be my passion and livelihood.  Soooooo...


It's Plexus Truth Week!!!



MYTH:  PLEXUS is a weight-loss drug.


TRUTH:  SLIM (just ONE of the Plexus products, also known as the "Pink Drink") was originally created to become a prescription medication for type II Diabetics.  During their studies doctors found that not only were their diabetic participants lowering their A1C levels, they also lowered their cholesterol and blood pressure levels.  The participants were also safely losing weight...not water weight or lean muscle mass, but actual FAT!  Most of the fat loss was abdominal fat, which is the most unhealthy and life-threatening.   

    The amazing thing, though, was that it wasn't just the diabetic participants losing weight...ALL of the participants were losing!  In addition, they ALL noticed better overall health and energy levels!  WOW!! 

    Another HUGE plus is SLIM is made with natural and proven ingredients with NO harmful side effects!  Some have raised concern over the ingredient GarciniaCambogia, also known as Citrin K.  In VERY large quantities this ingredient could potentially cause liver damage.  However, the amounts used in SLIM are COMPLETELY safe for long-term use and have HELPED people with their liver function.  For more information on ingredients and FAQ's click here:


    So my Friends, this MYTH is BUSTED...Plexus is NOTa weight-loss drug!  It is also NOT:

a stimulant

a meal replacement

a fad

a gimmick

a quick-fix

a magic pill


Slim IS:

a tool to help balance blood sugar levels

a tool to help lower cholesterol

a tool to help lower blood pressure

a tool to help reduce abdominal fat 

a tool to help increase energy NATURALLY (remember, no stimulants)

a tool to help you regain control over portion control and cravings

*Notice I used the word 'tool' each time.  Plexus Slim is NOT magic.  It is, in fact, an effective tool to help you reach your goals.*


    I did not write the article below, but it is further explains ingredients in Plexus products.  Also, check out the graphic below.  Please feel free to comment, message, text, email, and/or call me so that we can all get the Myths busted together! :-)

#plexustruth Tuesday!! 

So maybe you saw your friend/ relative talking about Plexus and you decided to try it. You’ve tried everything else; why not give this a shot.  You stuck with it for a couple weeks or even a month or two. You kinda drank enough water and sort of listened to what your body was telling you about portion and choices. You were basically consistent about it- except for weekends… and vacation. I mean, hey- everyone gets busy right? You felt a little better but no real weight loss. So you stopped… Sound familiar? 

“I tried it… but Plexus didn’t work for me!” 


TRUTH: Plexus isn’t going to “work” FOR you—you have to use it as a TOOL to leading a healthier life. It is not a magic pill that will make those pounds disappear in a few weeks. It’s a natural product that works to heal and balance your body from the inside out which ALLOWS you to naturally and safely lose weight, gain energy and feel great. This leads to lifelong health and longevity! However YOU have to take control of your health and commit to being consistent with the product, patient with the results and dedicated to forming healthy habits. To have the best chance of success with Plexus be sure to: 

Drink plenty of water- record it, write it down, keep track-- At least ½ your body weight in ounces every day! If you are not losing, and that is your goal, increase your water! It is critical to the success and the way that Slim works. You will retain water if you are not drinking enough. Weird, but true!

Listen to your new body cues! When you’re satisfied (not full) stop eating! When a coke doesn’t sound good, don’t order it! When your brain tells you to eat veggies instead of chips, listen! Whether you believe it or not, your body will be resetting itself and it’s up to you to follow its lead. If you don’t, you will once again override those new sensations and be back at square one. 

Use that energy you now have to DO SOMETHING! Get up and move! Go for a walk, play with the kids, clean the house, work in the yard- whatever it is that makes you happy while being active, do it! That is one of the best benefits of Plexus, that people who were too tired, achy or run down before now have a little more energy. Spend it wisely. J

Be Patient!!! Your body is literally changing on the inside first, and for some that can take quite a while! Have you always been a yo-yo dieter? Do you have internal health issues or diagnosed problems? Do tend to not eat all day and then overeat in the evening? Do you not get enough sleep? All of these things are issues that Plexus is working to restore internally to give external results—and many of these take time! There are so many wonderful stories of people not “seeing” results for weeks, even months and then the pounds starting to shed! Stick with it!!! 

Finally, Slim is a natural supplement and with all things natural, it may take some “play” with the products and timing to help you the best. This is where it is crucial to TALK TO YOUR AMBASSADOR! Don’t just sit in silence for a couple months and then quit because you are not seeing results! Each Ambassador has a wealth of resources, training and knowledge available to them to help you see your best results! Often times, there are other issues that need to be resolved before the products can be truly effective… such as gut health. More on that tomorrow!! 

As always, please use this as a place to ask questions and allow conversation to dispel the myths that are out there and reveal the TRUTH! Feel free to message me too so that we can have a private conversation about any concerns or frustrations you have. J


Does this sound familiar? 

You’ve tried EVERYTHING to lose weight and feel good. You exercise, try to eat right and you even drink Slim… but nothing seems to help. You might be able to lose a few pounds but the cravings are killing you, you feel run down and you are still experiencing different auto-immune issues. 

“I’m doing all I can… I guess I’m just meant to be this way.”  

#plexustruth time!! 

TRUTH: Maybe it’s not what you’re doing that effects you but all you’ve DONE that has compromised your gut health! 

Let me ask you-- Have you ever: 

Overeaten?Been on prescription medication, a Steroid or an Anti-Biotic…. Ever?

Suffered from an Auto-immune disease? Had frequent infections, cold, viruses, stomach bugs? 

Suffered from Eczema, nail fungus, psoriasis, dry flaky skin, acne, or other skin issues?

Had allergies- whether airborne or food allergies or sensitivities? Had chronic cravings for sweets/carbs/beer/soda? Experienced brain fog or chronic fatigue? 

Then you, my friend, likely have compromised gut health! This can be caused by various reasons and has a long explanation that can be found here:

Fortunately a short test to determine if you have an unhealthy gut can be found here:

If left untreated, an imbalance of bad bacteria and fungus to limited good bacteria in the intestinal track can cause “leaky gut”. This leads to a host of symptoms, diseases and issues that you can read about here: (this is a “paleo” blogger, but also one of the best descriptions of the condition I have seen) 

Thankfully, there are some treatments to reverse an unhealthy intestinal track and leaky gut syndrome. There is a “Candida Diet” that can be found here:

One of the best things you can do though, whether you are a man, woman, child, old or young, is to take a quality multi-strain probiotic that includes an anti-fungal. Now, there are a lot of good probiotics on the market and it is a very hot/trendy word right now. However, it is very difficult to find a good probiotic that also includes an antifungal! Thankfully, ProBio5 includes BOTH and is VERY effective at ridding the body of yeast/fungal overgrowths! You can find out more about it here:

Once the yeast/fungal overgrowth begins “dying off” it is crucial to “take the trash out” (so to speak)  by making sure that you cleanse your intestines gently each day. Magnesium allows your body to naturally do this without any unpleasant side effects—and the bonus? It helps you sleep great!! You can read more about magnesium here:

Plexus BioCleanse is an amazing daily supplement that not only provides your body with much needed magnesium, but also creates an oxygenated state in the body which has been shown to reduce toxic microbes and increase overall health and longevity. You can read more about BioCleanse here:

As you can tell gut health is an extensive and complicated issue that most people deal with. However the answer is very simple! If you would like to talk about any issues or symptoms you are dealing with or about any of the articles or products here, please just ask! I am very passionate about this subject and happy to talk about it! 


OK, I get it. You don’t need to lose weight, you eat healthy and you are active. So clearly you don’t need Plexus and you can just scroll right past this… 


You’ll miss the most important #plexustruth of all! 

TRUTH: Plexus is NOT just about weight loss!! Plexus is a total body HEALTH & WELLNESS company that has a small but mighty product line to keep you healthy for life! 

Did you know that Plexus began as a breast health company? Their BREAST CHEK KIT is a unique dual layer system that improves the effectiveness of all breast self-exams done as part of a breast health program. 

XFACTOR is not just your average vitamin! It is a turbocharged multivitamin and antioxidant supplement with a never-before-seen formulation of a patented aloe blend, New Zealand Blackcurrant, and vitamins—all of which results in vastly improved absorption and assimilation for optimal nutrition and wellness protection. Now available for KIDS too!!! 

Do you have stretch marks, skin tags, acne, and dark spots or get sunburns or bug bites?? Well, if so—you definitely should try PLEXUS BODY CREAM!!  It is a unique skin renewing cream with Spirulina Algae and Activated Charcoal! Initial reports say that Plexus Body Cream has been found to revitalize the skin over the entire body of both men and women. The effective detoxifying action is promoted by Spirulina Algae, plus the new addition of Activated Charcoal, to remove age-advancing toxins and impurities from the skin. These ingredients are carried into the skin's layers on a Rich Blend of Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera Gel), Sweet Almond Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Lavender Oil and Rosaceae Oil.

Since you are already so active, I’m sure you have muscle aches, headaches joint pain and tension now and then, right?? The good news is Plexus has developed Fast Relief™, a cutting-edge, three-product system with a proprietary ingredient blend that will help you live happier, healthier, and discomfort-free. Thanks to natural anti-inflammatory ingredients like BromelainTurmeric Extract. Serrapeptase and ETArolpatented, green lipped mussel contains all the potent and wide-ranging properties of its sources, including joint support. 

You can see the total product line at

The BEST part--- all of this comes with a 60 day NO HASSLE, money back guarantee!!! You have absolutely NO RISK! Plus, if you order as a Preferred CUSTOMER, you’ll get 10% off now and an additional 10% off after your 3rd month of ordering! 

If you are ready to order just go to my website, or if you still have some questions, let’s talk!! 


I hear this from time to time… You WANT to try Plexus, you really do- but it’s just so expensive/ doesn’t fit in the budget… 

Well, friend, it’s time for #plexustruth time!!! 

Myth: It’s too expensive!

TRUTH: If HEALTH is your priority, you can afford it and I can help you! Let’s say you just want a system that will heal you internally, balance your blood sugar response and restore your gut health- 

Well, for less than the daily cost of a fast food lunch OR a Starbucks OR a bag of chips and a soda at the gas station OR a quick trip through Target/ Costco…YOU CAN AFFORD TO BE HEALTHY!! I promise! Or how about this- for the cost of your once a week habit of dinner out with the family, OR a little shopping stop at Old Navy (Flip flops are $1!!) OR that weekly mani/pedi OR a cute new outfit for that party on Saturday… YOU CAN INCREASE YOUR HEALTH AND LONGEVITY! 

I hope that puts it in perspective for you! 

However, here’s the catch that you don’t even realize… Once you start Plexus, crazy things start happening! You no longer want that fast food lunch or that coffee! You don’t really want to go out with the family because you are craving healthy homecooked food! You don’t need that new outfit- because the stuff at the back of the closet- you know the stuff I’m talking about—FITS! Those medications that cost you an arm a leg each month…Those might be a thing of the past too! Now, I don’t make any hard and fast claims here- because it’s up to you. But, what if??   

I get it though- it’s a big dollar sign to see at first! Believe me, I felt the same way. That’s why, as soon as I knew I liked it—I knew I had to find a way to a) GET IT CHEAPER and/or b) MAKE $$ TO COVER THE COST.  Did you know that for just $34.95 (less than a lot of the things I mentioned above) you can become an Ambassador! This allows you to pay wholesale prices (25% off retail!) AND earn commission- not only on friends who purchase through you- but on your OWN purchases!! I wish Target did THAT! Let me put it to you straight- Clearly you’re on Facebook (or you wouldn’t be seeing this…). Do you know 3 or 4 people who could benefit from Plexus? You do?! Great! You have all the tools you need to build a business! It’s really that simple, but if you’re interested in this, let’s talk

I hope you see now that once you make your health and your family’s health a priority, the cost becomes a moot point. If you’re still concerned- let’s talk and we can figure out a plan for you. J



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