Monday, February 9, 2015

How block works

Great explanation on how the ingredients in Block work by John Marble (nurse anesthetist):
"just to clear-up any confusion regarding BLOCK: 
it appears that some people are associating the name BLOCK with a binding agent that attaches to molecular structures in the gut without discriminating, rendering them too big to be absorbed into the bloodstream by the intestine, and therefore later passed on into the stool. 
to be clear: this is NOT the mechanism of action of BLOCK. instead, the active ingredients (white kidney bean extract and insea2/brown seaweed) work by neutralizing the effects of the digestive enzymes that are released by the pancreas in response to a carb load entering the duodenum (initial 1/3 of small intestine). 
the therapeutic effect achieved by BLOCK is NOT a result of binding to food so that it later passes on unabsorbed by the intestine into the stool. instead, it is achieved by BLOCK decreasing the ability of digestive enzymes to break down carbohydrates into smaller, more simple forms of sugar that are easily absorbed by the intestine. 
alas, there's no "binding" or "blocking" of essential nutrients. 
and the good news is that BLOCK DOES NOT prevent the absorption of ALL carbohydrates. instead, it only prevents the absorption of EXCESS carbohydrates "by up to 48%." 
it should be noted that the active ingredient in BLOCK (insea2) has also been shown to produce an increased sensation of fullness in individuals by reducing the post-meal glycemic peak and allowing for a slower blood-glucose response, while also contributing to a decrease in the next-meal's caloric intake. this sensation of fullness has been confirmed and experienced firsthand by many of us that are already taking the product. 
as for any concern regarding the nutritional value of carbohydrates that might've otherwise been absorbed in the absence of BLOCK, rest easy in knowing that the "nutritional value" of carbohydrates is evident everywhere in the form of an obesity epidemic here in the states. i just got back from disney and there were probably more otherwise capable people riding around in a rascal than there were actually walking. this is because for decades as a society we have bought into the lie of needing a low fat diet in order to be healthy. the result of this mindset has led to the ingestion of more carbohydrates than necessary by the average person; which, when absorbed and not readily used as energy, is later stored by the body as fat. 
also, please be aware that carbs are not necessarily essential. if that were the case, traditional eskimos that didn't get enough nutrients from protein, fat, minerals, and water wouldn't survive. instead, they thrive. 
plus, many people are on the adkins diet and have had great results. are they deprived of nutrients? 
the point? not absorbing all of the carbs that you eat has nothing at all to do with being undernourished, especially considering that obesity everywhere actually proves that we are essentially over-nourished with carbs in our society. 
so... the take-home message here is very simple: if you're worried about not absorbing enough carbs and later storing them as fat, then avoid this product for sure. 
thanks for your attentiveness." 

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