Monday, February 9, 2015

Potential Ambassador Email

Potential ambassador 
Plexus Worldwide is a health and wellness company that is all about getting healthy and changing lives – whether it’s losing weight, leveling your blood sugar, leveling your cholesterol, detoxing, etc.! However, the most popular products are the Plexus Slim and the Plexus Accelerator+ And boost!
I know you might be interested in trying Plexus, but are hesitant due to finances, and I completely understand…I was in the same exact position! However, I decided to invest just a little extra money and sign up as an Ambassador #1 to get my product at the lowest possible price and #2 to try to earn back my initial investment in starting up and even supplement my income.
Some people sign up specifically to make money and grow a business…Some people sign up strictly to get the products at a reduced rate. The reason so many people are selling is two-fold: 1) because the products are really great and they do work; and 2) because Plexus makes it so easy to join!
There really aren’t a lot of hidden costs or hidden rules; no one wants you to accidentally be left on the hook for unsold products; you are not required to attend or host parties; you are not required to keep inventory; and you have the potential to make a good amount of money, depending on how hard you work the business. 
When you sign up, you pay for two things. First, there is an annual fee of $34.95 for Plexus to host your website – people will use this site to buy from you. Second, you purchase a Welcome Pack (see attached options).
Low risk and potential high payout – that’s a good formula!
Plexus has a generous compensation plan (see attached info), which is why so many people succeed at it.
• You make a percentage off your sales over $100 (15% up to $500, and 25% beyond!)
• You can be eligible for cash bonuses through your Preferred Customers each month
• You can earn additional income through a point system that can lead to promotions and bonus pay
• You earn money for signing up Ambassadors under you, plus a percentage of their sales. 
I really do believe you have what it takes to ROCK this business!
There are a lot of happy people who are glad they took the jump. People who have been able to pay car payments, mortgages, and credit card bills with the income; quit their “day jobs” and stay home with the kids; supplement their family income…and on and on! All while getting healthy, losing weight, feeling great, and helping others to do the same.

Compensation Plan (written out)
To make the most money with Plexus Worldwide, you want to build your own team by getting people to sign as an ambassador under you....then teaching them to grow their own team also!
For EVERY person you sponsor:
You get $25 or $50 depending on which welcome pack they start off with. 
You get 5% of their sales
You get 5 points per person
For anyone that signs on your level 1-3 you get 5 points
4th level= 4points
5th level= 3 points
6th level= 2 points
7th level= 1 point
You get points by you sponsoring people and your team doing the same thing
the points average $3.50 PER point and they accumulate. You get paid on the same points over and over and only lose them if someone quits. 
When you sponsor 3 people you get a $100 Bonus besides all of the other stuff
When you get 100 points you get a $250 Bonus
At 250 points you get a $350 bonus
At 500 points you get a $500 bonus
At 750 points you get a $750 bonus
At 1500 points you get a part of the emerald pool
The company only requires us to sell $100 per month which is very easy. Your products that you order for yourself go towards this amount. Anything that you order to sell to customers goes toward your pv, and anything that people order from your website goes towards your pv. You will see an amount that you pay when you order and you will see a pv (product volume) amount. 
The pv amount is how much product volume you get for ordering that particular product. 
If you have $101-499 you will get a 15% commission check on your personal volume
If you have $500+ you will get a 25% commission check on your personal volume. 
Besides commission, if you stock product and sell it outright you make $30 cash on every 30 day supply that you sell. 
Prices: Don't forget to add tax to these prices using your tax rate.
3 day supply (drink & accelerator) $12
7 day supply (drink & accelerator) $30
30 day supply (drink & accelerator) $115
120 capsules of Bio Cleanse $30
180 capsules of Bio Cleanse $40
Pro Bio 5- $35
Fast Relief Cream- $40
Fast Relief Capsules- $45
Plexus 96- $33
Fast Relief Nerve Support $48
X-Factor Vitamin- $40

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