Monday, February 9, 2015

Plexus Tips - cute and funny

During my time using Plexus products, there are certain things I felt might be beneficial to share with you. Some are major while others are just plain weird or funny! Regardless, I hope they help you in even the slightest way!
Don’t pour a packet of Plexus Slim into ice water. It won’t dissolve properly. You’ll have a bunch of chunky floaties in your cup that you won’t really want to chew (although it makes for some fun, puckered-up selfies to post on Instagram and Facebook). Instead, mix the powder in lukewarm or cool water, then, add ice. It’s so much easier.
If you finish your Plexus Slim and fill your glass with new water, don’t freak out when there’s a yellow tint to it. I did. I thought our water was polluted! Turns out it’s residual Plexus stuff in your glass. It’s all good. Just rinse your glass for sparkling clean water or continue enjoying the Plexus blessings.
Be sure to eat something when you take Plexus Slim and Accelerator. When I’ve taken it on an empty stomach I’ve felt jittery, even nauseous, at times. Sometimes I don’t feel like eating when I take it, but I’ve finally learned my lesson. I now make myself eat a granola bar during my strong-willed child moments.
Ease into your caffeine fix when you begin taking Accelerator. The Accelerator product contains natural caffeine, so do your best to try it with no additional caffeine on the first day. If you feel fine, try your coffee, tea, or other caffeinated beverage in a few days (or the next day, if you're hardcore)!
Don’t forget to take your Plexus products with you when you travel. Traveling, in itself, is hard enough. Set yourself up to succeed and take it with you! Girls, put some Plexus Slim packets and extra Accelerator capsules in your purse for those days you forget to take it. Guys, remember to take it before you leave the house or get a fanny pack (which is not fashionable... so really, come up with a better backup plan)!
Drink water. The average, healthy male adult needs roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of water per day. The average, healthy female adult needs around 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of water per day (according to The Institute of Medicine). Drinking plenty of water is so good for your health and aides in weight loss and detox.
If you ever feel jittery, eat or drink water. It really works. The only times I've felt jittery are when I drank coffee when first starting Plexus Slim and Accelerator, when it's been too long since my last food intake, when I'm super thirsty, and after doing the jitterbug. 
Don't skip meals. It sounds crazy but it can be difficult to do and I struggled with it in the first three weeks. Sometimes I just didn't feel like eating and it was kind of annoying to eat when I didn't feel like it (WHAT? THAT NEVER HAPPENS!) Skipping meals jacks with your metabolism. Keep healthy snacks at your desk or in your purse (or fanny packs, guys), and eat something to keep your metabolism going strong!
Break up with your scale. Focus on the fact that your pants and shirts will soon feel less snug. Focus on the inches you're losing rather than the pounds. Focus on the fact that you're getting closer to your weight loss dreams every day! Focus on the fact that you're no longer a slave to food and there's no longer a magnetic pull to the fridge and pantry! YOU'RE FREE INDEED!
If you're taking ProBio5 or Bio Cleanse and feel the urge to "go", do not wait. Detoxification is a process that expels excess waste and accumulated toxins from our body. If you haven't had a good, old fashioned cleansing in a while - or ever - things are about to change for the good. Be prepared to get over your reservations about "going" anywhere but your own home. The time has come. "Regulators... mount up!"


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  2. Saying it won't mix properly is an understatement. It turns into a hard chunk. And I also can't stand the taste. Fake sugar is horrible....I'm committed to 1 month, but so not a fan of the taste!
