Monday, February 9, 2015

The FAB5

Recommended Regimen for the Fab 5 (Slim, Accelerator+, X Factor, Bio Cleanse & ProBio)


Plexus products, when taken correctly, can

produce great benefits for many, many people.  You have a responsibility

to your customers to ensure that they are getting the most from their trial or

first month. Set them up for success early on.  Happy customers become

great ambassadors.  They should begin with this Plexus Regimen, as

described on the packaging.  Make sure

they’re following the directions before moving on to other

troubleshooting.  If they’re already

following them, then suggest changing their regimen up a bit (e.g. drink it

around lunchtime instead of breakfast). These directions are just a starting

point, and are not set in stone.


Plexus Slim &


Eat a small breakfast.  About 20 minutes afterwards, mix  

Plexus Slim with 12 oz of water.  Drink it and take 2 Accelerator+

pills. (Start with 1 Accelerator+ capsule if you are sensitive to caffeine)

If using just Plexus Slim without either Boost or Accelerator+ ; you can drink Slim 1/2 hour before breakfast. Some people also drink theirs 1/2 hour before lunch.  Find out which you prefer! 


Take 2  XFactor capsules when you drink your Plexus Slim. 


Take 2 BioCleanse pills in-between meals, up to 6 pills per day.  *some people split them up between meals; some take them twice a day at morning and bedtime.  There are individual reasons for people choosing how and when they take Biocleanse.  The truly important thing is to be consistent with doing it daily, and to be sure you are drinking adequate water. 

Take 1 ProBio5 pill in the evening before bed. If you have determined through researching candida symptoms that you have a likely overgrowth (most people do, according to statistics) you may want to follow the second set of instructions for use which indicates increasing the number of capsules.  Our recommendation is to do so slowly and give your body time to adjust to each increase.  Often people who are not yet seeing results have not ever been consistent with this product or increased the number of capsules.   'desired results' are a decrease or end to the candida overgrowth symptoms. 


During the course of the day, make a concerted effort to drink more water if you are not in the habit of doing so. A good rule of thumb is to divide your current weight by 2 and drink that number of OUNCES daily.  Be aware that increasing water intake and starting a new health program can make the scale be an inaccurate gauge of progress with your health and eventual fat loss.  A number of transitional processes occurring may be mistaken for added fat if using the scale to discern.  Please measure and please track your other signals of progress!


Make sure you are  eating enough, as the products may be causing you to be less hungry than before.  If you're eating under 1200 calories, your body is likely to enter into a "starvation mode" and will store more food as fat.  


Track your results.  Measure in addition to weighing once a week.  Pick the same day/time every week and record.   Be consistent!  And if you find you crave less junk....don't eat it out of habit.  Replace it with the healthy choices you are probably feeling more willing to eat! 



 * The Accelerator+ is designed to be taken at the SAME TIME as Slim to make

sure they can work together, and they should be taken AFTER eating

breakfast.  Without the Accelerator, Plexus Slim can be taken anytime, but

preferably before breakfast. 


** customers may just glance at the tips/ instructions that you give and that are on packages.   Follow up to ensure  they are taking the products properly. 


Help customers find a group of products that works best for them.  Keeping people as customers is a great way to help achieve this, as they can use the 60-day money back guarantee as customers if a particular product is not working for them after 60 days time.  They are more willing and receptive to your suggestions to try something else if there is less financial risk; which results in many more happy customers.  Who may, yes, become ambassadors on your team!   Signing up most people as ambassadors instead can create problems across the board.  They have no money back guarantee; and may sooner give up if their combination of products has not wowed them yet!   Keep it in mind.  :)

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