Monday, February 9, 2015

New ambassador, Now what?

I’m a new Ambassador, how do I build my business?
1. In order to be commission qualified, you MUST have your Auto Qualification order turned on (You choose an auto shipment when you sign-up/join as an ambassador for $34.95). 
2. You MUST get customers. -Make a prospect list (see F.R.A.N.K.S method for identifying prospects).
-Begin by telling your story. What has Plexus done for you or are you trying to accomplish? Post your story on Facebook. If you have a before and after picture, post your picture or announce your goals! Post on Facebook every day twice a day! By posting on Facebook, you have a captive audience of friends who will see the testimonies you post. (See Social Media Guidelines for more information on utilizing Facebook)
3. You MUST follow up with your prospective customers and current customers. They will need your guidance while they are on their Plexus journey. Get a price list, product brief, how to sign up as an ambassador doc and ingredient list from your enroller to have to answer questions and email to prospective clients.
4. You MUST learn about all of our products and the benefits of each. Understanding our products
will give you confidence as you talk to prospective and current customers. You will also be able to guide your customers to which products will work best for them. Until you learn just fwd the docs that explain about the products. There is also a product brief video that you can send out. Have a catalogue to refer to until you know how to explain yourself and read directly from the material.
5. You MUST utilize team pages. Read through the files, the previous conversations and ask questions. Use the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the pages to do a search of topics. For example, if you want to see if there has been a discussion about PCOS, type that in the search box. All conversations pertaining to that topic will then appear.
As you begin to build your business, the bulk of your income will come from your customers. As you begin to build a team, you will begin to earn pay points and your income will come from helping your team grow.
Here are realistic examples of how you can get to $500 and $1000 in earnings. Make sure you are fully aware of the Plexus Compensation Plan and all 11 ways to earn money found on your website, back office or enrollers website.
My goal is to make $500. How do I do that?
Of course there are many ways you could get to $500, but here is an example that is very common and you can set your sites on.
-You begin earning commissions as soon as you hit $100 in Person Volume (PV) of sales. PV comes from your personal purchases and the purchases of your customers.* IF your PV is between $100. and $499 then you earn 15% (on your PV minus $100).* If your PV is >= $500 then you earn 25% of the amount (your PV minus $100).
–So your first goal is to get to $500 / month in PV so you earn 25%.
- Your second goal is to get to $1000.
-Your third goal is to add three ambassadors.
EXAMPLE: If you have $1000 in Personal Volume and have signed 3 ambassadors under you then:
. You earn 25% commission: ($1000 - $100 = 900.) X 25% = $225.
. Preferred Customer Bonus (if your customers bought preferred) = $100. (approximately) (for signing customers).
. Silver Bonus by signing your first 3 Ambassadors! = $100 (for signing ambassadors).
. Building Business Bonuses (for adding ambassadors) = $75 - $150 (depending on welcome pack)
. TOTAL = $500 to $575
. PLUS you will receive 5% of your three ambassadors PV that is over $100.
My goal is to make $1000. How do I do that?
. Your 25% commission: ($2500 - $100= $2,400) X 25% = $600
. Preferred Customer Bonus (if your customers bought preferred) = $250 (approximately)
. Silver Bonus by signing your first 3 Ambassadors! = $100
. Building Business Bonuses (for adding ambassadors) = $75 - $150 (depending on welcome pack)
. TOTAL = $1025 to $1100 .
PLUS you will receive 5% of your three ambassadors PV that is over $100.

Watch this YouTube video by Sonya Dudley:

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