Monday, February 9, 2015

Business card tips!





1. Create your own, or find & choose from many pre-designed ones (pre-designed ones have already been approved by Compliance for them to sell, so you don’t have to worry about compliance issues.  Can look on their sites for the compliance # or ask them for it)

2. Needs your name with "Independent Ambassador" or "Plexus Independent Ambassador" to be compliant (the pre-designed ones on Etsy & from the websites below are already compliant so you could take a look & order or get great ideas!)

3. Include your Ambassador #!!!  If for any reason someone can’t get into your website, they can go to and enter your ambassador# to order from YOU.  If not using your site or your ambassador#, Plexus will randomly assign them to a Sr. Ruby ambassador (newly announced) and you will lose the sale you worked hard for!! 

4. Include your website.  Your replicated one from FB is prettylong, so if you want something shorter (easier to see on a business card & to remember!) & want to pick your own, go to GODADDY.COM and search available domain names… (mine is now  Stick with the “.com” ending & pick something your friends will remember & associate with you.  Link your new one to your Plexus one thru GODADDY.COM,it will redirect them to it.  See Phil Mango’s video in team pages on how to do just that J  You Can also create a QR code for your website & have it printed on the card for easy scanning. 

5. Include your email address.  If you have a plexus-related one, that’s best.  (Mine is  Next time I may change to a Google, since I feel locked in to Verizon (our home service) until I use them up. 

6. Include your cell phone, and maybe say “Call/text: ###-###-####” so people are clear that it’s a cell. Many are more comfortable texting especially if not on FB with you yet & they don’t want to take the time to email, maybe want a quicker response, too.

7. Highly recommend having "60 DAYS money back guarantee" either typed out or the purple circle graphic (search google images or Pinterest for Plexus 60 days money back guarantee)

8Also highly recommend putting your FB name! I WILL be doing this next time ( "FB: Katie Cubbon Wheeler" or "Find on FB: Katie Cubbon Wheeler") and ask them to friend you! Friend Everyone on FB!!

9. Logos: The official Slim logo can be used, but can't be altered (no different colors/fonts). The Plexus Worldwide Independent Ambassador logo can be downloaded from Back Office Resources (search LOGO) – both English & Spanish available. 

10. The predesigned Plexus Ambassador cards may have a pic of products, which is great, but they may change at any time with new products (ex: mine does not include Block which came out after I ordered). I still like it anyway, just personal preference. J

11. May not list diseases/conditions per Compliance, but may list symptoms Plexus MAY help with. (Mine says: "Do you or a loved one struggle with:

regulating blood sugar, lack of energy, struggles to lose weight, sugar cravings, sluggish metabolism, inflammation, headaches, fatigue."  Sleep issues/digestion issues might be good to include too). 

12. If printing symptoms, needs disclaimer per Compliance: "These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease".

13. Many are digital files only so you would upload to a print service like Vistaprint, Got Print or you can google “print business cards” to find others that print & ship to you (search for discount online coupons!!), or maybe take the file on USB to FedEx/Kinkos to get right printed right away. Can print a sheet or two on your printer at home in a pinch, but for 500-1000cards, printer ink & cardstock are expensive & these services use a nice coated, durable cardstock and the print should be waterproof.


ORDERING TIPS: Here are a few places to start, or google for more ideas:

* Etsy - search Plexus business cards (I used Red Dirt Queen)

*  (owned by Plexus Ambassador  Quinna Jo Phillips - in Team All In)  

* - they print/mail to you; located in McKinney TX 

* Vistaprint - has some free styles to use; will print & mail your file uploads

* - will print & mail your file uploads; pretty cheap!

* - design & save free cards; print  

*Get AT LEAST 500 cards! Sometimes the 1000 price is a better/equal deal with shipping, but if it’s a lot more $$ be sure you are actively handing out & if you print products, realize they can change.   500 is a great mid-range minimum quantity to start with.  

* Keep your receipts!! This is a business expense tax write-off!



- Practice handing out your cards IN PERSON wherever you go!! 

- Give to all of your friends & family as soon as your card order comes in! Tell them "Oh my gosh, look!! I'm SO excited, I got business cards!!" Opens up the conversation if they don't know already you’re doing this or aren't on FB J Then hand them at least 3, or better yet 20!! These are your PEEPS! Ask if they would be willing to help you get the word out! Can even offer an incentive like a free trial pack if anyone contacts you from it.If in time they notice they’re giving out a lot & see a response, this opens up the door for them to see the potential as an ambassador on your team J

-When someone asks you how you are doing, tell them just how great you feel! “Amazing! Perfect! SOOO much better!!” whatever applies to you…this almost always opens up the door for them to ask you why, and you can share your story, and your card (or 3!)  Same thing applies when you see someone & they say “You look great!” or “You look happy!” Maybe you haven’t even lost weight yet, but getting healthy on the inside gives you a glow & confidence people notice J  So share it, it’s selfish NOT to!!

- Aim to give your cards out to AT LEAST 3 people per day! Every time you go to give a potential customer/ambassador a card, hand them THREE CARDS!! Say "if you know of anyone that's diabetic, pre-diabetic, or struggles to lose weight, please pass this along to them". 

-Don’t necessarily approach random people in person to sell, but be a listener & share…. be friendly, be yourself, chat with people wherever you go! When they give you an opener, TAKE IT!!   Start with checkout staff at stores you’re shopping at. Listen for them to start a conversation….are they tired, fatigued, have a headache, did they mention they are diabetic or say something about blood sugar or an autoimmune disease (this is the GIFT of an opener!)…. Say “Oh, I may have something you’d like!” I’ve also done this with the Fast Relief cream samples (order in your back office & tape a business card to it & keep handy….everyone gets headaches & you just apply a little).  Remember to get their info to follow up!!  Also listen for them to comment about work, needing more money, etc.  Handing out your card to people NOT already on FB is a great way to expand your network!! Then GET them on FB to see your posts J Do it right then while you’re talking! (You can certainly friend them, easier if they are working right then, but as you get really good at this & do it everywhere, if you initiate too many friend requests in one day, 20 I think, it flags FB.)   

-Another thing to try, especially as you’re hanging at a checkout counter or talking with store staff about anything, or chatting while waiting in line with someone is to start the conversation about it yourself. Say, “I’m just curious, do you know anyone who is diabetic, pre-diabetic or struggles to lose weight?”  

-Check out Sonya Dudley’s videos on YouTube about how these conversations can go.  Sarah Marble has some too.  No need to reinvent the wheel, learn from the best! Smile, be enthusiastic, believe in the products & you’ll be a natural!! J

Take a photo of your business card and when you meet someone ask if you can text it to them... then you get their contact info for follow up, too! This was Amy Kosmalski's tip atSuper Saturday 2015 Plano. You still need business cards, this is just another way to reach out to people J

- When someone at a checkout asks for your email address to enter into the system, hand them your business card!  Also, if over the phone, can give the plexus email address too, might open the conversation!

- Put cards with any samples you give out (this is why I like including the FB should always get their info to follow up, but it's great for them to keep seeing what you post!!  Say “my FB is on there, if you friend me & I’ll send you more info!”)  Also, see the labels uploaded for applying to samples you hand out.  Easy way to get the Slim directions and info to them.  I’m doing this & starting to put 3 cards in the bag, too!!  

- Put your card into gift bags, ask to include in community event swag, trade shows, etc. 

- Ask around town at local businesses if you can display your cards & purchase a little card holder to put on their counter. Keep full. Bridal shops, gyms, baby/kids clothing stores that moms frequent, anything you can think of!

- Put your card in with the credit card tip when dining out EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  Per Celeste!!   Or take it a step further like this ambassador doesIf I receive good service - whether it's a waitress or cashier or ??? I just say, "You are exactly the kind of person I would love to work with ~ I'mlooking for people that want to lose weight and be more healthy- would you know anyone? Would you like to know how a $35 investment could help make you financially independent?" and then I give them my card and GET THEIR NAME AND NUMBER. They will NOT call you most of the time - they start to feel silly and maybe shy themselves...Call them 24-48 hours later!!

Leave business cards EVERYWHERE. Every time you exchange money, put a card with it. Waitresses, bank tellers, bank drive thru container, salons, stores, Dr offices, chiropractors, dentist offices, hand out if you have a garage sale….  Also leave in public bathrooms, locker rooms, ATMs & gas pump pay slots, inside gas stationsneighbors, pools, parks,mall bathrooms (stick in wall by towel holder & in baby seats in the big stalls), shopping at garage sales, tanning salons, fitting rooms in department stores, ask your kids’school to put a stack out for teachers by their mail slots. One creative ambassador mailed one back in a credit card offer envelope since postage is already paid J

On trips & vacations!! Leave them on a cruise ship, hotels(with tip for maid, at front desk checkout, in hotel restrooms/bars)convenience stores, hotel pool & weight rooms, etc.   You are potentially reaching a whole new market location. 

- Have a team contest... each ambassador is challenged to go up to people, tell them we are having a team contest for work and ask them to hold up your business card and take a selfie with that person. Then say “you can keep it, I have like 1000! And if you know anyone that’s diabetic, prediabetic or struggles to lose weight, just pass it on.”  It’s not as hard to step out of comfort zone & do this as it is to ask them personal questions, & gets you talking to people & gets your card out there! Great practice you can ask to friend them on FB if it they are agreeable. Ambassador with the most selfies posted to the team page during the contest time frame wins (whatever the prize is)!! Win, win! 

- Collect/trade business cards with fellow ambassadors at meetings/events!  This is a great way to meet people in the same boat, practice giving your card in a “safe” group if you’re nervous about it, & see what they are putting on their cards or where they order from that you might like to try next time you order, too :)


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