Monday, February 9, 2015

Compensation Plan!!! Broken down

Compensation plan!

Plexus has the most amazing compensation plan! We get paid 11 different ways! 

1) pay points!

Pay points are part of plexus' profit sharing plan. They take half of the months profits and share them with all active ambassadors. The points value will depend on sales for the month. You get paid on 7 different levels of your downline.

Levels 1-3 - 5points
4- 4 points
5 - 3 points
6- 2 points
7 - 1 point

2) commission
 You make commission on every order, including ordering your own products! 
The first $100 you sell goes back to the company. 
$101-$499 = 15% commission
If you sell over $500:
$101+ = 25% commission 

3) preferred customer bonuses

When a customer signs up to be a preferred customer, monthly autoshipments plus a discount, you will get a bonus! Your bonus will depend on what they order. Bonuses range from $4-$22. 

4) commission off of your level 1 ambassadors 

When you sign up anyone directly below you, you automatically will receive 5% commission off of everything they sell as well!

5) lexus program!

When you get to emerald (1500 points) you will get a $500 monthly lexus lease! When you get to diamond (4500 points) you will get a $1000 lexus lease. 

6) rank achievement bonuses

In plexus, your rank depends on how many pay points you have on your team! 
Silver- 15 points - $100 cash bonus
Gold- 100 points- $250 cash bonus
Sr. Gold- 250 points- $350 cash bonus
Ruby- 500 points - $500 cash bonus
Sr ruby- 750 points- $750 cash bonus

7) If you achieve any of the ranks gold and above in your first month, plexus will DOUBLE, your bonus. 

8) emerald, sapphire and diamond pools

When you reach the ranks of emerald, sapphire and diamond, you will get to start receiving part of the profit sharing pools. 
Emerald (1500 points) you will receive 3% of the profit sharing pool (1/2 of the company's monthly profits)
Sapphire (3000 points) 4% of the profit sharing pool
Diamond (4500 points) 5% of the profit sharing pool

9) business building bonuses

When you or someone on your team sponsors a new ambassador, levels 1-4, and they purchase a welcome kit, you will relieve a business building bonus. The company keeps 1/2 to cover the cost of the products, then after that you will get paid:
Level 1 - 50%
Level 2- 25%
Level 3- 15%
Level 4- 10%

10) retail commission

If you chose to do so, you can stock product and sell it for the retail price. You will make commission off of the product when you order it off of your website, plus the difference between the retail and wholesale prices. 

11) diamond re-entry and husband/wife teams 
Once you hit diamond, plexus allows you to re-enter the company under yourself to rank up to diamond again. Essentially, they are allowing you to work your way to diamond TWICE! 

Husband and wife teams!
Plexus allows you and your spouse to work as a team! You can have just one account for the both of you or once you rank up to gold, your spouse can enter under you and your family can have 2 separate plexus businesses! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, Megan... What was the average point value for 2016? I've seen videos from 2014 & 2015 that it ranged between $2.48 & $3.00... Thanx, Davie
