Monday, February 9, 2015

Blessed By Plexus ~ Recipe For Success

From diamond ambassador Susie Fritts McColl. This is a great recipe for success
The KEY to SUCCESS with PLEXUS products is CONSISTENCY and PERSISTENCY!! Plexus is designed to be used as a “TOOL,” not a quick-fix “magic pill” (although we do think there is a little magic in the pink!). Basically, using Plexus to achieve health goals never dreamed possible is like using a bulldozer to move a mound of dirt instead of using a hand-held spade.
For every new customer, start them off on SLIM alone for first week. We believe EVERY person will see results with just slim. This will give them time to get their blood sugar regulated, start really increasing their water intake, and feel the effects of not craving sugar and junk! If it is a person with a LOT of weight to lose, it might be beneficial to drink one at breakfast and one at lunch for the first week to help with appetite control and cravings…however, don’t start that until at least the 2nd day to see how they do with one on the first day. Also, people can experience “detox” symptoms so hopefully one week of only slim would help them get through this before adding other products.
The IMPORTANCE of WATER cannot be over-exaggerated. 76% of Americans are chronically dehydrated which wreaks havoc on our bodies and nothing functions as should while in a dehydrated state. The beauty of the Slim is that you will CRAVE water. So, when a new customer gets slim from me, I say, “You will want to make sure you are drinking plenty of water. But, don’t worry, you’ll crave it.” Now, the ideal amount of water is ½ their body weight in ozs per day (so a 200lb person would need 100ozs), BUT if we tell them that from the first day, they are going to say, “No way can I do that” and run for the hills. After a couple of days on slim, you might shoot them a quick “how’s it going?” message. If they are having headaches, fatigue, nausea, or other icky symptoms, they most likely are NOT drinking enough water and are feeling the effects of detox on their body. (There is a file in Blessed called “The importance of water “ – this file explains why it is important and how the scale might not drop due to increased water in the first month of a wellness plan)
After the first week of only Slim, they can start with Accelerator or Boost, whichever they feel is more effective for them. The important thing to note is that Accel+ takes about 2 weeks for the body to really start seeing the effects. The Boost is a much more immediate effect. We have people that LOVE both and people that don’t love both…so my advice would be to tell them to take what you are taking and having success with. And my general rule is if a person is very active, the Boost would be better. However, people need to take BREAKS with Boost – so for ex., one week on and one week off, or two weeks on and two weeks off, etc., to prevent adrenal fatigue. If they are TIRED immediately upon taking Boost, they most likely already suffer from adrenal fatigue and should stop boost and take the triplex (Slim, probio5, and biolceanse) plus xfactor (IMO), as these four products will help with that if taken consistently. Also, women with hormonal/ thyroid issues should NOT take boost. If someone is an emotional eater, then the Accelerator + would be better. If they don’t do well on one, you can switch them to the other one after a couple of weeks (but they need to give it that long to try it).
Now, we know that some people are on a fixed budget and won’t be able to spend more than what the 2 products above cost. Usually, however, most will see the effects those two products are having on them and will decide they want to try other Plexus products. Here is the order of what we feel is important for success with the plexus products:
Probio5 and Biocleanse:
Most (approx. 85%) of Americans are dealing with candida – the overgrowth of yeast in the gut (see my many files on candida). Because our diets are terrible, our food supply is not what it was meant to be, and we take antibiotics to KILL bad bacteria (but they also kill our good bacteria), our bodies do not have the right bacteria in our gut…thus allowing the yeast to grow out of control. The probio5, in simple terms, gets our guts back on track, and the biocleanse, in simple terms, gets rid of the toxins in our body and oxygenates our cells (oxygenated cells are way less likely to get cancer or other diseases). They need to start out slowly with these and I would not have them start these until they have been on the accelerator or boost for a few days. If not doing accel or boost, then they could start on these one week after they start slim. A lot of people feel taking the probio5 at night on an empty stomach is best for optimal health. A lot of people choose to take their biocleanse at the same time. However, biocleanse is the one product, IMO that needs to be “played with” by each person to see what works best for him or her. An example: I was taking mine every night at bedtime with my probio5 and all seemed great. For a couple of days I took two in between lunch and dinner with 8ozs of water (like instructions say) and I was so full that I could barely eat dinner. This way would be GREAT for someone having afternoon or late evening munchies. But, once again, they need to see what works best for them. (There are two files in Blessed – one is a simple protocol for probio5 and biocleanse – the other is a challenge that should only be used by people that have been on the products for awhile and want to get more aggressive…)
I would actually put this second in my line of what’s most important but most people ignore me and go with acc+ or boost because they want the fastest weight loss. If they are willing to go the health route, have them start this from the beginning WITH THEIR SLIM. Because it is aloe-based, it will help their bodies absorb ALL of the great benefits of the slim and other plexus products that much more. I have the link to the creator’s call about this in Blessed – it is totally worth taking the time to listen to. This is the first vitamin we’ve ever taken where we can actually FEEL the energy because our bodies are actually ABSORBING the vitamin B6 and B12, along with all of the other vitamins in it. Everyone CAN take this in addition to the Boost or Acc+ BUT I think it would be best to be spaced an hour or so apart from those because it might make them jittery taking them at same time. Chris and I take ours in the AM with our pink drink. We both take two.
Protein 96:
Most people, especially women, do NOT get enough protein in their diets. We have found that by adding a protein 96 drink in to breakfast, the body reacts with better fat loss. There are files in Blessed that talk about the importance of protein and eating enough calories.
Fast Relief:
This is one we have just added into our repertoire. There is some evidence that this added in with other products seems to increase weight loss. Start off on the loading dose like the bottle says and then wean down to maintenance dose. There are many health benefits to this product. *NOTE: If you have an ALLERGY to SHELLFISH, you cannot take this product. You could take the nerve support instead though.
Block: The Block, our just launched product, can be taken in addition to any of the Plexus products. My suggestion is easing into this product – one capsule 30 minutes before either lunch or dinner (your biggest meal of the day) for a few days. Make sure you continue your biocleanse if already taking. If not, make sure you increase your fiber as you don’t want to end up constipated. After a few days of one, if you are feeling good, you could either up it to 2 capsules 30 min. before lunch or dinner, or you could do one before lunch and one before dinner. The next step would be to try two capsules. Since Block is literally blocking up to 48% of the carbs/sugar in your food intake, this product, IMO, is optimal for people that have high blood sugar or that really struggle with craving carbs/sugar. People with LOW blood sugar would want to avoid this product.
As with any “HEALTH PLAN,” you need to incorporate some form of exercise. If you are moving, your metabolism is revving up which will in turn lead you to fat loss. If you are doing NOTHING currently, aim for 30 minutes of cardio per day – could be split up to 3 sets of 10 minutes throughout your day if you can’t do 30 minutes straight or don’t have TIME for 30 minutes. Chris & I do at least one hour if not one and a ½ hours of cardio per day… We also incorporate strength training in at least 2 days per week. We also take a nightly walk with our dogs. Great for our dogs, our relationship, and us as this is usually when we “catch up”!

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