Monday, February 9, 2015

Vendor fairs

Suggested Guidelines and Etiquette for Trade Shows / Vendor Fairs
Before the Event
• You MUST be well read on the products so you can discuss them freely.  If you cannot do that, you trade show success will be limited
• When booking a trade show it is always a good idea to ask if there is already a Plexus Ambassador there.  If the trade show is an exclusive show then they will only allow one booth.  If it is not exclusive and another Plexus member is already booked, then you need to decide if the show is big enough for two.
• Save your empty product bottles and Slim packaging so you can use them to create a display. 
• You will need signage to draw people in.  You do not have to spend a lot of money on this, but it needs to be professional.
Make it colorful and simple
The official Plexus Slim and Independent Ambassador logos are in back office under “Resources” then under “Artwork” 
There are also swag sites to order from ( or Plexus Shirts on Facebook)
All your marketing must say "the most natural" NOT "all-natural"
Having framed before and after pictures is a great too – especially if you have one of yourself
• Consider having some sort of giveaway which will allow you tocollect names, phone numbers, and emails from everyone that stops at your booth.  
A small investment in an attention getting giveaway willbe worth to get a big list of PROSPECTS.
Have clipboards with several copies of a pre-printed slip of paper for prospects fill out that will capture name and email address.  Visitors fill that out to be entered into the drawing.
Have pens.  You can order Plexus pens from your back office.
• Consider offering samples so people can taste Plexus.  IF you do this you will need a supply of Slim, a pitcher, water and sample cups. You may want to mix up a couple of gallons in advance so all you have to do at the event is pour.
• Stock up on Plexus Slim and 3 and 7 day trials.  Those are very sellable at an event.
• Secure a laptop, a kindle or iPad etc., so that you can connect to the internet to pull up your website in case someone wants to order or join (and they will).  You can also use these to play Plexus videos (e.g. Opportunity of a Lifetime).
• Have a huge supply of your business cards
• Have a big supply of Plexus Brochures
Some people will make a decision on the spot and order, others want to take something away and think about it.  
The brochures you can purchase from your back office are relatively cheap.
Buy Avery mailing labels.  Print out the labels with your name, website and phone number. Place these labels on EVERYTHING (the slim brochures, product catalogs and trial packs.
• Have a few laminated copies of the Compensation Plan summary and Product Pricing summary for when someone is interested in talking about being an ambassador. 
• If you plan to sell product at the event
Have a good supply of change for cash transactions 
Have a credit card reader you can use with your tablet, computer, or phone.  IF you are accepting credit cards, have a sign that lets people know you accept VISA, Mastercard, etc. 
Consider running a show special (e.g. two 3 day packs for $10).  If you do run a special, you will need to have a sign advertising the special as part of your set-up.
• Consider having a helper or doing an event with a small group of ambassadors.  If you are by yourself, you could get overwhelmed with people wanting a sample, wanting to buy, asking questions, etc.
At the Event
All your marketing must say "the most natural" NOT "the all-natural"
• Bring a small garbage can with bags for the cups; roll of paper towels; scissors; scotch tape; duct tape; ink pens; straight pins; push pins; bags to put products they purchase.
• It is very BENEFICIAL to have slim for the people to sample. It taste so good and really draws people in.
• Use a tablecloth (if not provided).  You can get hot pink plastic disposable ones from Dollar Tree. 
• Set up a display of all the products we sell using empty slim bags and empty bottles 
• Use tabletop easels to display signs, before and after pics, etc.  Plate holders work well for this.
• Make sure you keep your table stocked with business cards and brochures
• Hand a brochure (with your info neatly labeled on the back) to everyone who passes your booth.  
• If you are having a giveaway, invite people to complete a sign-up sheet and drop it into the “Prize drawing Box” 
If you are working the event with a team, agree beforehand how you will share the prospects. 
▪ If it is based on who talked to a prospect, then put your initials on that slip of paper so at the end of the show that prospect goes to you
▪ If you agree that all leads will be share, you can divide them up at the end.
▪ Everyone at the booth has paid there share to be there, be courteous about letting everyone get a chance a new clients.  If it is slow take turns.  Just remember not to have too many ambassadors share a booth.
Write in notes on the back to jog your memory about that person (diabetic, wants to lose __lbs, has high blood pressure, works at, etc)
• Etiquette recommendations for the event.
Everyone get there early and help with setting up.
Everyone stay until the end and help with take down.
Even if you prepaid for the booth there may be other expenses generated to run the booth such as: Door prizes, cups, water, table cloths, etc.  Expect to share in that cost!  
Do not go around before the show leaving brochures on all the vendor booths, they have paid for their booths and do not want your literature on their tables.
If someone initiates the conversation and you join in that conversation, that client goes to the one that made the contact (unless you agreed beforehand to divide up all the leads at the end
Be prompt in paying the person in charge your share of the booth.
If you have not paid to be in that specific trade show and your fellow ambassadors have, please don’t go in and start passing out brochures. 
If you are a trade show for another business, it is not fair for you to display your plexus product at that show especially if that show was exclusive for the Plexus booth. The person in charge will ask you to stop or you will be reported to the show sponsors.
Let’s keep the Golden Rule in mind.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This works in all aspects of life!  
The person in charge of the booth should have the final say on any misunderstandings.
After the show
• Always follow up after a show. Send thank you email for visiting booth and include the information you would normally send to an interested prospectThis is the whole point of collecting names.  


  1. Thank you for this info! A question I have, are we aloud to make up our own bags of 3 or 7 day trials to sell or must we purchase and sell the ones from corporate website only? Also I was told that we could only sell all retail items for the prices listed on corporate website and not do discounts, is that true? Thank You!!

    1. Hi!
      I personally do an offer on my samples when I do a vendor fair. 1 for retail price, 2/$20(including tax). People usually will have cash, so that works out great! Please know, I usually do not have 30 day supplies on hand to sell at vendor fairs, but I do have my tablet and will order for them right then and there.
      It is NOT compliant to break down 30 day supplies to sell. Now if you are just giving away 3 days of slim or 7 days of slim, you can get a cute cup and stick them inside with a business card and GIVE THAT AWAY, but not sell it. When you sell something you want to make sure it has the ingredients, company information, etc.

      I hope that helps! Feel free to ask other questions!

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