Monday, February 9, 2015

Pay points explained

Let's talk about Pay Points peeps! You can earn Pay Points for every QUALIFIED Ambassador in your organization. You earn pay points up to 7 levels deep. Pay Points are one of the core ways to earn income in the company. Here are the pay points on each level:

Levels 1 - 3 = 5 points (per qualified ambassador)

Level 4 = 4 points

Level 5 = 3 points

Level 6 = 2 points

Level 7 = 1 point


So the Pay points is where a lot of your monthly commission check will come from. Recruiting new Ambassadors. THIS IS THE POWER OF DUPLICATION! (Remember that word, DUPLICATION. If you understand the true power of it and how to unlock it, you will be well on your way to success!) To personally recruit as many Ambassadors as you can and teach them how to do the same. 


As you go through the levels of achievement, you can receive commissions up to 7 levels:


Ambassador - Level 1

Senior Ambassador - Level 1 - 3

Silver Ambassador - Level 1 - 5

Gold Ambassador - Level 1 - 5

Senior Gold Ambassador - 1 - 6

Ruby Ambassador - 1 - 7

Senior Ruby Ambassador - 1 - 7

Emerald Ambassador - 1- 7

Saphire Ambassador - 1 - 7

Diamond Ambassador 1 - 7


AND YOU ALSO RECEIVE Pay Points based on the level of the Ambassador BELOW YOU!!


Now this is where duplication comes in.



If you personally sponsor 3 Ambassadors and teach each one of them to do the same, and they do the same, and so on for 7 levels, this is what your numbers could look like:


LEVEL 1: Sponsor 3 people x 5 Pay points = 15 points


LEVEL 2: those 3 people sponsor 3

3 x 3= 9 x 5 pay points = 45 points


LEVEL 3: those 9 people sponsor 3:

9 x 3 = 27 x 5 pay points = 135 points


LEVEL 4: those 27 people sponsor 3:

27 x 3 = 81 x 4 pay points = 324 points


LEVEL 5: those 81 people sponsor 3:

81 x 3 = 243 x 3 pay points = 729 points


LEVEL 6: those 243 people sponsor 3:

243 x 3 = 729 x 2 pay points = 1,458 points


LEVEL 7: those 729 people sponsor 3:

729 x 3 = 2,187 x 1 pay point = 2,187


THAT TOTAL COMES TO 4, 893 Pay points

Pay points have been worth $2.82 to $4.89 per point for our example let's use $3.50


4,893 x $3.25 = $15,902.25 !!! Not to shabby for a month!

If you go even further and sponsor 4 people and everyone does the same, the number gets really big. We are talking a monthly commission check of...wait for it...wait for it...




Take a second to let that sink in. That is not the year. That is ONE MONTH! I will say that again...THAT IS FOR ONE MONTH!!!


If you take some time to look over the details of the compensation plan and see the power of it, you will get excited. REALLY EXCITED!!


Now we were only talking about sponsoring 4 people. I know that those people will not all sponsor 4 people and those will not all sponsor 4 people. That is a perfect world example. Some will do nothing, actually the majority will do nothing. That is how the business works. Then there are the people who get really fired up and sponsor 10-20-50-100 people. And people in the middle that can sponsor a few people, or 5 or maybe 10. This is just the law of averages.


That is why I advocate personally sponsoring as many people as possible. The law of averages will start to work in your favor. This comes down to marketing. This comes down to duplication (that is that magic word again)

Now can you picture how your business would grow!?Now don't believe that this will come without doing any work. You will not get rich tomorrow, or the next day, or next week. You will need to work at your business and build it...but YOU CAN DO IT!!



  1. Megan, I don't know if this website is still even active, but I figured I would try and see. I understand how the pay points work, but my confusion is in what makes a person qualified or "active" under you. If they have an autoship set up for the triplex, but do not make any extra sales or have any sales go through their website for the month, do I still get pay points for them? (Like if they're only signed up to get their products each month but never sell anything else...don't even order their own each month but just let the autoship send it to them). That's my first question. Then my second question is what about me? If I have a month where I don't make any extra sales myself and just let my autoship send me my triplex order, do I still earn pay points for having ambassadors under me? I have been in this business five months, and some months I seems to do really well, and others not so great. I can't seem to understand the breakdown of what I am making money on - commission, pay points, etc. The breakdown on the back office site is really not detailed enough to separate all that. Last month I showed 4 active ambassadors under me so I showed 20 points. I have the same people this month doing exactly the same things, but this month it only shows up that I have 5 points. What???? Any clarification you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I just need to know whether an autoship is considered PV once it goes through each month, or whether you have to actually order 100 PV through your website yourself, regardless of an autoship. Thanks!

    1. Hi!
      Thank you for your questions!

      Any orders regardless of autoship or actual customer orders count for Pv. You will get points off of your team as soon as they have over 100pv.
      Last month you had 20 points at the end of the month I am assuming. Every month it starts over. So by the end of the month and every ones autoshipment has went out uou should have 20 points again!

  2. Thanks for the awesome info Megan! I just signed up at the beginning of last month and was wondering, now that it's June and my PV has reset to zero, when will I get my first payment for last months activity? Is it deposited on a particular day each month? Thanks! :-)

    1. It's usually around the 15th!
      When you add to your team, that bonus will be paid the following friday.

  3. How is the best way to approach someone about plexus in cold messaging people just out of the blue?
